Systemsprenger + German Debut Movies
Bennie's gonna blow every system. That of her own family, her foster family and even that of the experienced carers in the training camp in the forest. Nothing and nobody seems to be able to stop the rage of the nine-year-old Benny. This is what Nora Fingscheidt's debut Systemsprenger is about. Fingscheidt previously staged a series of short films and now ends up in the selection for the foreign Oscar from 0 to 100. A very loud, energetic debut! Is the German film suffocated in the stranglehold of television? Not at all. Here are some debuts from last year: Isa Prahl's 1000 ways to describe rain, Susan Gordanshekan's The Defective Cat - and not to forget; all the debuts of the Mumblecore gang around Axel Ranisch, Nico Sommer or the Lass brothers. Many of them like Nora Fingscheidt joined the FilmArche. They shot films with a few 1000 Euros, partly improvised. And when was the last time we saw such a massive film as Systemsprenger? That's great for us as a video store, because the young filmmakers are often also customers. That means we supply them with creative food and are allowed to be something like a part of this Berlin film scenery. That's all we can wish for! Some films are even shot by us! So our own long-term project; a documentary about the video store. Because despite everything (rising rents and and and), a creative scene is growing around us. A film scene. You borrow the light somewhere. You cook yourself for the team. You write a script at night. Friends help friends. Our own shooting is also chaotic, of course. The protagonists are drunk and full of drugs. They have to sober up before you could think of something like "shut up". Or the camera falls off the tripod because it's defective. Or the light provokes a short circuit. Or the public order office chases you off the sidewalk. In the middle of a shoot! (Who can imagine that something like this could have happened to Godard or Rohmer just as well during their illegal outdoor shootings?) The debutants visit completely different milieus. Henrika Kulls Jibril the prison world in which a mother falls in love with another prisoner. Or Mehmet Akif Büyükatalays Oray a parallel world, in which the hero of his wife "talaq" yells at the mailbox. The Islamic divorce formula in the middle of Berlin? I think it's stuck. Or Luzie Loose's Swimming, a Coming Of Age film that fortunately manages without moral applause. Swimming is about two schoolgirls filming themselves and their classmates with a smartphone. Out of revenge. Or Susanne Heinrich in The Melancholic Girl. What is it about? Something like female self-empowerment. Staged entirely in neon colours, the melancholic girl looks for a place to stay. In the beds of strange men. Or who knows Anatol Schuster's air? A poetic debut that deals with love at first sight. Here even the prefabricated buildings look like in a dream! The debuts are usually supported by the Film Academy, the networks at the universities. Only a few simply try without vitamin B (like Lea and Kathrin, who simply pay for our documentary themselves). This is probably the reason why so many years often pass between the first and second film. The money is missing. Who remembers Jan-Ole Gerster's Oh Boy? Today, seven years later, Lara, his second film comes out. At the bottom of the German section in our video store there is also Katrin Gebbes Tore tanzt. Her second film Pelikanblut is only now coming to the cinema. Is there anything new from Max Zähle? His scraps run very well in the video store. A second film? No, that's not true. That means: the new generation doesn't get enough money in Filmförderland. Either you have to wait for years or do it like Philipp Eichholtz did. He simply shot a trilogy every year, with Luca quietly dancing the little masterpiece in it. But now he suffers from back pain. No-budget means stress!