FREE ON YOUTUBE Wayne Wang - Chan Is Missing

FREE ON YOUTUBE A small, bizarre insider tip, which I would like to buy for our video store for some time now! Until then I was unsuccessful, but at least this indie pearl runs free on YouTube. In good (at least adequate) quality with English subtitles. If you watch Chan Is Missing, first of all you notice how little he knows about Chinatown. This is a warm, reserved look at the so-called ABCs - the American Born Chinese. The plot is simple. The heroes of the film are two taxi drivers who are looking for Chan. He has disappeared. But why did he disappear without paying? The two are familiar with the customs in Chinatown, knock on different doors and almost imperceptibly, we are already in the everyday life of the people there. So in Chinatown, San Francisco. Chan Is Missing lives from his casual, loving humor. The film is both cheerful and cynical. There are appearances: A philosophical cook or a political activist. And we learn a lot about linguistics, since Chan recently said "no" to a policeman and meant "yes". Did Chan answer A) referring to the truth of his action? Or B) to the meaning of the question? Sounds complicated and therefore even more funny! If you read a little bit about the making of the movie, you will immediately get the desire to shoot something, too. Director Wayne Wang (also co-writer, producer, editor) shoots with borrowed money from friends. Less than 30.000 Dollars! The plot reminds of film noir classics. A man disappears and his life is much more complex than we knew. But it's not a thriller. More like a trip to Chinatown, a road movie to seedy bars and the offices of social workers. New Wave style. And the end of the Odyssey? Well, there may not be a Chan, at least he's untraceable. But everyone has a different idea of Chan. And that in turn says a lot about one's own consciousness. And this is how WE see the American Born Chinese: as if through a filter. We have a certain idea. Just like the idea of Turks or Arabs here in Berlin. But actually we don't know them at all! Chan Is Missing does.
Translated with (free version)