Sonntag, 24. Juli 2022

FREE ON CINEGEEK.De Bigas Luna - Jamon Jamon 

This is the funniest and most malicious comedy from Spain ever! Bigas Luna made Jamon Jamon in a time when people still took risks. Eyes closed and through - no matter if the audience goes along with it. The anarcho message of Jamon Jamon is: We may understand sex as a summary of all that is ridiculous in human nature. The film is set somewhere in the south of Spain, in the countryside. The focus is on the richest local family. They make underwear. The underwear is also the symbol of the city. You can see them on a billboard from afar. And of course the obligatory Spanish bull. Then Jose Luis, the son of the underwear family, falls in love with the sensual Silvia. She is the daughter of Carmen, who runs the local brothel. Jose's mother Conchita sees her son already before the altar with the daughter of a whore. She decides to take matters into her own hands to prevent this horror. Her tool: Raul, who works in the local ham factory. Raul is supposed to seduce Silvia to prevent the wedding. By the way, Raul also works as an underwear model for Conchita - and loves ham. The plot thickens. Sexually frustrated Conchita begins an affair with Raul, while Jose has been having a relationship with Silvia's mother for a long time. Carmen warns Jose; if he marries Silvia, she never wants to see him again... Although it is understandable in itself: Since Silvia is still a virgin, Jose has to fulfill his needs discreetly with his mother. Business is business. And there's so much more! Garlic and Silvia's breasts form one unit. Or naked bullfighting. And pigs. Because correctly translated Jamon Jamon means ham ham. Bigas Luna turns it into a lurid melodrama with deep romance and wicked satire. A telenovela, but full of sex. Penelope Cruz plays Silvia; her current husband Javier Bardem Raul. If you think that Jamon Jamon is a single impertinence, then you are right. If you find him insulting, then you're just as right. Tasteless and vulgar? Also. Jamon Jamon goes beyond the boundaries of what is possible in the cinema. 

Samstag, 23. Juli 2022

FREE ON CINEGEEK.DE Jacques Rivette - Haut Bas Fragile 

Jacques Rivette's films often revolve around secrets and mysteries. About conspiracies and secret societies. A foreshadowing of what may come - where life is like a maze. Ultimately, it leads us to places we don't understand. This is roughly how Haut Bas Fragile - Beware Fragile works. Three women are at the centre. In the lives of these three women, the past plays an important role and they are surrounded by secrets... Louise (Marianne Denicourt) woke up from a coma after five years. Now she wants to start a new life in which neither her family nor her boyfriend play a role. Ida (Laurence Côte) was adopted and is now hell-bent on finding her biological parents. Ninon (Nathalie Richard) is fleeing a life of violence - from her ex-boyfriend who stabbed a man to death. The paths of these three women cross, guided by chance. Basically, all three are trying to free themselves from the past. And that's not easy in a Rivette film, because normally Rivette's characters act in cycles, are doomed to repetition. Of course, in Haute Bas Fragile there is also a secret society that meets in a hideout to dare a game of life and death. Is there a conspiracy or is it all smoke and mirrors? Charming is the idea that these women do open up a perspective for the future instead of remaining stuck in their cycle: the seductive power of dance! Because tragedy doesn't have to be a permanent state and the story of life is what we make of it. And what is more beautiful than living silly and exuberant?

Mittwoch, 20. Juli 2022

FREE ON CINEGEEK.DE Roman Polanski - Cul-De-Sac 

Cul-De-Sac remains a comedy in which Donald Pleasance has to walk around with his head askew. Polanski's film is the inversion of classic gangster films: Until then, it was criminals who threatened the lives of a middle-class family. Intruders from outside, from the unknown. In Polanski's parody, however, the criminals are bourgeois and their victims crazy. The great influence Polanski's film has had on psotmodern gangster cinema is made clear by the motif of the crime gone wrong. In Cul-De-Sac, the failed crooks must therefore wait for Katelbach, but he never comes. Beckett is the godfather in this absurd play. 

Samstag, 16. Juli 2022

FREE ON CINEGEEK.DE Jafar Panahi - Taxi Teheran 

In Iran, director Jafar Panahi is forbidden to make films and according to the latest news, he has now even been arrested. In the past, courage and pure necessity were the driving forces behind his work. Since 2010, there has been no way for him to get the technical equipment for a shoot. That is why today he uses his iPhone and a video home equipment. Three films were made this way. Taxi is the third and unfortunately also the worst. The title sets the scene. The film was shot inside a taxi in Tehran. Some cameras were installed in the vehicle (one points outside and captures life on the streets), behind the wheel is Panahi himself. The experiment is whether the passengers recognise him and how they react to him. We see an advocate of the death penalty, a teacher arguing with Panahi about justice or a DVD dealer who wants to win Panahi as a partner. Some passages are staged, others are not. Suddenly we realise that an angry passenger is reciting from a Panahi film. But the experiment seems more frustrating than provocative. Above all, Taxi is a bit self-indulgent. Some of the characters are all too pointed in their function of social criticism (staged or not?). What I haven't mentioned yet, from my perspective of wanting to be entertained, is the respect that a film like Taxi could be made at all. 

Donnerstag, 14. Juli 2022

14.7.22 AEIOU im Roderich


Heute im Roderich, Breite Str. 39B, 13187 Berlin um 21.30

Nicolette Krebitz macht Liebesfilme mit ungleichen Liebespaaren, etwa dem Mädchen und dem Wolf. A E I O U erzählt nun die unwahrscheinliche Liebesgeschichte einer älteren Schauspielerin und einem Schüler mit Artikulationsproblemen. Sie heisst Anna (Sophie Rois), ist in ihrem Job unterfordert und verärgert über einen über griffigen Spielpartner. Wir sehen sie, wie sie nachts die Kant Strasse entlang schlendert. Vor der Paris Bar wird sie von einem jüngeren Mann angerempelt. Er reisst ihr die Handtasche weg. Wenige Tage später lässt sich Anna darauf ein, einen Jungen mit Sprachproblemen zu unterrichten. Er heisst Adrian (Milan Herms) und sie erkennt ihn wieder: Er ist der Dieb von der Paris Bar...

Dienstag, 12. Juli 2022

NOMADENKINO im Roderich: Stand Up 

Heute gibts in unserem zweiten Laden, dem Roderich, Breite Str. 39B, 13187 Stand Up, hinten im Hofgarten auf der grossen Leinwand. Alle, die gerne den Film sehen möchten, bekommen Kopfhörer.