This is not a film about Hip Hop, it is a Hip Hop film! Status Yo IS hip hop! Here comes a cinematic session full of beats and loops and breaks and, above all, lots of slogans. Filmed in the streets of Neukölln with amateur actors, those who just walk around on the streets of Neukölln. Recruitment took place around Hermannplatz (and Heinrichplatz in Kreuzberg) and everything was financed out of their own pockets. The story is well known and is told quite immodestly: From nobody to star. But it's not about winning, it's about moving on. Hip hop, that means 1. rapping 2. DJing, 3. breakdancing and 4. graffiti. And if everything around you collapses, then you still have that. What can go so wrong?
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Dienstag, 5. September 2023
Sonntag, 3. September 2023
CINEGEEK.DE Film List Berlin Neukölln
A few years ago it would have been unthinkable for a "hippie", unshaven with used clothes, to walk across Herrmannplatz. Just as well one could meet this person in 2014 in the Residenzstrasse! In 1997 the Spiegel published the famous article Endstation Neukölln - High Noon in Rixdorf where shots were fired across the streets and executed ice-cold ( 2014 there are cute chocolate shops, vintage clothes and organic ice cream (ball in the Schillerpromenade 1.40 euros). Even a Neukölln film is slowly emerging! The dffb thesis "Dr. Ketel - The Shadow of Neukölln" by Linus de Paoli proudly bears this title!