Mittwoch, 17. Juli 2024

Reality Stays Outside - Realität Bleibt Draussen 

SOOOON!!!! OUR OWN MOVIE ABOUT OUR BAR: REALITÄT BLEIBT DRAUSSEN! - REALITY STAYS OUTSIDE! Ich liebe Kreuzberg und mein Leben in Kreuzberg! Das war aber nicht immer so: Früher, als ich noch klein war und wir in einer eingemauerten Stadt lebten, da hatte ich Angst vor Kreuzberg. Dort war alles grau und die Häuser ganz verwahrlost. Und wenn du in die Hinterhöfe geguckt hast, dann hast du immer noch die Einschusslöcher aus dem 2. Weltkrieg gesehen. Eigentlich sah Kreuzberg genauso aus wie Ost Berlin. So dachte ich. Ich meine, das war 1985. Ich hatte immer diese Vorstellung, dass hinter solchen grauen Fassaden auch böse Menschen leben mussten. In Wahrheit lebten dahinter aber keine bösen Menschen, sondern Menschen, die einfach nicht so viel verdienten. Mein Vater hat mir das mal erklärt. In Kreuzberg war man immer umgeben von der Mauer. Ganz im Osten von West-Berlin. Und niemand wollte so nahe bei den Russen leben. So zogen alle weg, rückten nach Westen – zumindest innerhalb der West-Berliner Insel. Dann kamen die sogenannten Gastarbeiter. Die konnten ja dort leben. Jedenfalls endete Kreuzberg irgendwie immer an der Mauer. Sogar 20 Jahre später sah Kreuzberg noch so aus als ob die 80er nie aufgehört hätten. Eine Gegend, in der die berüchtigten SO36 Boys herrschten. Hauptberuf der 36 Boys: Rauben, prügeln, kaputt machen. Das war also Kreuzberg. Heute höre ich oft diese mittelalten Männer, die behaupten, früher und damals da gabs noch das richtige Kreuzberg. Und dieselben mittelalten Männer haben das damals auch schon erzählt. Mir war das eh egal. Ich lebte in meiner eigenen Welt und die bestand sowieso nur daraus, Filme zu glotzen. Meine eigene kleine Nerd Welt inmitten von Filmen! Und ich wusste, irgendwann würde diese Welt nicht mehr nur in meiner Fantasie existieren! - I love Kreuzberg and my life in Kreuzberg! But it wasn't always like that: In the past, when I was little and we lived in a walled-in city, I was afraid of Kreuzberg. Everything there was gray and the houses were run-down. And when you looked into the backyards you could still see the bullet holes from the Second World War. Kreuzberg actually looked just like East Berlin. That's what I thought. I mean, that was 1985. I always had this idea that bad people had to live behind such gray facades. had to live behind such gray facades. In reality, however, there weren't bad people living behind them, but people who simply didn't earn that much. earned that much. My father once explained this to me. In Kreuzberg, you were always surrounded by the wall. Right in the East of West Berlin. And nobody wanted to live so close to the Russians. So everyone moved away, moved west - at least within the West Berlin island. Then came the so-called guest workers. They could live there. In any case, Kreuzberg somehow always ended at the Wall. Even 20 years later, Kreuzberg still looked as if the 80s had never ended. A neighborhood, where the infamous SO36 Boys ruled. The 36 Boys' main occupation: robbing, beating, destroying destroy. So that was Kreuzberg. Today, I often hear these middle-aged men claiming that back in the day and back then there was still the real Kreuzberg. And these same middle-aged men said that back then told that back then too. I didn't care anyway. I lived in my own world and that only consisted of watching movies anyway. My own little nerd world surrounded by movies! And I knew that at some point this world would no longer only exist in my imagination! 


Transamerica presents Felicity Huffman as a man who feels compelled to become a woman. Only a week after the operation, Bree (as she is now called) learns that she had become a father 17 years earlier. "There was this one girl in college," Bree remembers, but also points out that the whole story was so tragic lesbian that she wouldn't count. But now she counts: Bree has to get to know her son and embarks on a journey from L.A. to New York. There she meets Toby (Kevin Zegers), who wants to become a porn star. This career choice is embarrassing for Bree, a ladylike middle-class conservative. She convinces Tobey to go back to L.A. with her. I suspect most transgender people have little interest in homosexuality. Bree has overpowered little sex as she earns the money for her operation with two jobs. Bree is not a particularly exciting person anyway. She spends a lot of time improving Tobey's grammar and is dressed like a housewife. 

Montag, 15. Juli 2024

The Edge Of Seventeen 

Do you like teen comedies that don't tax your intelligence? Like The Edge Of Seventeen? Then this is your film list! - Sure, I'm a child of the 80s. Maybe that's why I became a video librarian? Of course I still know the best dialogue from the teen comedies of the time - although I forget pretty much everything else. The brain just works in a miraculous way. The Edge Of Seventeen feels like an homage to the 80s with biting humour and a big bittersweet heart. Kelly Fremon Craig, who makes her directorial debut as well as writing the film, seems to remember all the difficult, angst-filled moments of being a teenager. That narcissistic phase where everything that happens to you seems so insanely important! The worst thing: to create an identity, to survive school! In this sense, The Edge Of Seventeen is much darker than its 80s role models.