In the middle of Kundun, the 13th Dalai Lama warns the 14th Dalai Lama in a letter: The culture of Tibet will soon be destroyed by China. What can we do about it, asks the 14th Dalai Lama. An advisor tells him that he knows this. After all, he wrote the letter himself. This is literally how the belief in reincarnation, in rebirth, works. Kundun recounts the life of the 14th Dalai Lama - but that in turn encompasses a larger life spanning centuries. And this is precisely the strength and weakness of the film, as its main character Kundun is not shown as a human being, but as an icon. It is a sacred life that stands above time. It is about perfection in the form of a human being. Before you look at Kundun, you should be aware of this: No human character is shown here. A sacred story is told in anecdotes, almost like in church. Scorsese's films always have a spiritual component. They are about characters who live in sin and are aware of it. So Kundun begins in 1937, at the time of the 13th Dalai Lama in Tibet. The monks find a little boy who they believe to be their reincarnated leader. They place a series of objects in front of the child so that he chooses the right one. As a result, the 13th Dalai Lama will even meet Mao, who proclaims that all religion has died (so that the Dalai Lama can no longer look this man in the eye and instead has to look him in the eye).
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Donnerstag, 24. Oktober 2024
Donnerstag, 10. Oktober 2024
The Crow became famous, of course, because Brandon Lee was accidentally shot during filming. And indeed, the film is also about someone who comes back from the dead - just as, in a way, Brandon Lee did with the film. A black irony of fate! The story begins with a resurrection from the dead. Rock star Eric Draven (Lee) is murdered the night before his wedding. A crow - so the story goes - transports his soul into the afterlife. But because of the unexplained incident of his murder, Eric's soul finds no peace and returns to earth a year later on Halloween. Eric swears revenge. Nothing more needs to be written about the story. In flashbacks, the murder is reconstructed and then Eric, led by the crow, wanders the streets at night. His make-up resembles a skull. No bullet can harm him, because he is already dead. The story serves as an excuse for the STYLE of the film, because here a very unique world is created that resembles that of Blade Runner. An abandoned urban wasteland where it is always night. Who remembers the gothic extravaganzas in Tim Burton's Batman? This is all so much darker! Obviously The Crow shows inspiration from a number of graphic novels of its time and their over-the-top architecture, and the underlying graphic novels in turn love 40s film noir. The editing and soundtrack of The Crow, however, are reminiscent of music videos, in which the villains like Myca (Bai Ling) again almost look like someone drew them. Those who love 90s grunge will find Stone Temple Pilots, Pantera or Nine Inch Nails here. Probably some even know the soundtrack better than the film! What is said about death and resurrection between the music video numbers is given a melancholic subtext by Brandon Lee's misfortune. Just like his famous father's career, Brandon's ends far too soon - only that Bruce Lee was never allowed to be part of such a great film as The Crow.
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