Samstag, 2. März 2019

FREE ON YOUTUBE 80s Teenager Movie Foxes

FREE ON YOUTUBE Were we really like this as teenagers in the 80s? Was this how we survived the teenage years? "Foxes" shows four girls from L.A. They live in the San Fernando Valley and come from broken, unhappy families. Directly into the teen subculture and the San Fernando Valley are drugs, sex and rock'n'roll. Or vice versa. They are not bad girls. Not really bad. They appear as a clique (the German cinema title is Jeanies Clique), preferring to sleep together than at home with their parents. They form a substitute family with violent loyalties, because all teenagers are dependent on loyalty and friendship. An age where friendship means so much more than a brief romance. They are expected to live somehow in the society of adults who fulfil their duties but do not yet have the rights of real adults. Of course we "adults" know how harmful alcohol and drugs and and and and are. But this knowledge reaches far beyond the horizon of 16-year-old children (I correct myself as the operator of a bar where mostly 30-year-old children work): Really????). But one of the girls, Jeanie (Jodie Foster), does manage. She has the function of a teenage mother within her clique. Jeanie has enough problems of her own, but she is intelligent and reflective enough to clearly recognize and name them (and the problems of her friends). Jeanie doesn't reject her friends. But she is the only one who doesn't seem lost. Jeanie uses her chances. The typical days and nights of the "Foxes" are deliberately structured in a relaxed way. Everything happens out of the impulse. The girls get drunk, run away, stay outside at night. Topic of the film: How is all this perceived by the parents? The focus is on the relationship between Jeanie and her mother - a wonderfully complicated relationship! Jeanie's mother Mary (Sally Kellerman ) is around 30 and divorced. She has her own difficult love life and tries to raise her daughter. She also attends college. We may conclude: Mary also belonged to the Rock'n Roll subculture (her ex-husband promoted bands), married too young and became too young mother. As the mother of a sixteen year old she is still trying to grow up herself. She wants to spare her daughter everything she had to go through. And yet both are in the same boat. "Foxes" is an ambitious film about teenagers by Adrian Lyne. No conceived hit like later Adrian Lyne movies. He is interested in teenagers, shows how they talk and how they feel. An honest portrait of teenagers in the suburbs. For me a nice insider tip from the early 80s for children who have seen all 80s teen movies!

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