FREE ON CINEGEEK.DE Jean-Luc Godard - Weekend (engl. subt.)
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In order to stream Week End freely on YouTube, enter the year 1967 behind the title. Then it goes. First Jean-Luc Godard had shifted the rules of cinema forever, then in 1967 he concentrated on their core with Weekend. Weekend is pure cinema! One of his best and most imaginative films! Even today, Weekend is likely to repel and alienate its audience - but that's the way it is with truly revolutionary films. Weekend is about violence and hatred, about the end of any ideology and the beginning of disaster. Weekend is hell! Civilization has failed, it is being destroyed. Normally sick films, which deal with the end of all this, because their subject is too broad. But Godard has staged Weekend very effectively! He simply avoids showing us "real" war. Instead, he shows us the attitude of suffering and destruction. Everything begins with "motorized" people (doesn't that symbolize the animal in us?). A motorized couple sets off for the weekend and their trip is supposed to find a miserable end to the "consumer society" (Godard would have put it that way). Everything stands still in an eternally long traffic jam. The "motorized" leave their car and begin an odyssey. They experience the end. Godard's bitter gaze does not allow us any liberal solutions. Bizarre things happen, so the political speech. Should this nonsense be taken seriously? Or: Why is the politician so serious when everything is just a joke? Is that not the essence of politics? And isn't that the essence of "hip" radicalism? The end, an allegory. Everyone eats everyone. At the latest here we may feel lost in Godard's universe. Everything makes sense, but nothing fits together anymore. Do the protagonists talk to each other or do they talk to us? What is going on at all? Anyway, it is just as crappy as life.
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