Donnerstag, 4. Juni 2020

FREE ON CINEGEEK.DE The Black Power Mixtape + Black Power Movies

You watch The Black Power Mixtape and hardly ever come back to your normal everyday life. So many ideas and thoughts circulate in your head! How can I collect myself now? I think the correct expression for this is: You feel shocked. The Black Power Mixtape documents a time when you read the black leaders - especially Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. They were messages that seemed like a provocation to the mainstream - and still do today: Malcolm X, Stokely Carmichael, Eldridge Cleaver and Huey P. Newton. Anyone who wants to take a serious look at the Black Power movement will collect this material in chronological order. Like the documentary by the Swede Göran Hugo Olsson. It is as if one becomes aware of one's own racist identity.

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