Dienstag, 1. September 2020

FREE ON CINEGEEK.DE Krzyssztof Kieslowski - Three Colors: White (engl. subt.)  

The lowest point is reached when he tries to earn money as a street musician in the metro. Without an instrument, only with a comb on which he blows through a piece of paper. It sounds sad. His wife divorced him because he cannot satisfy her. He comes from Poland and is stranded in Paris because of her. He is homesick. But everything is gone, his money, his papers. How can he come back to Poland? His name is Karol (Zbigniew Zamachowski) and finally he is lucky. A stranger, a fellow countryman whom he has just met, takes him with him. Rolling together in a suitcase. Is that even possible? Wrong question. Because the suitcase (with Karol in it) gets lost or stolen at Warsaw airport. The thieves open the suitcase and find only Karol. They throw it on a garbage heap. It is bitterly cold. But Karol looks around at the rubbish dump. Finally at home! Krzysztof Kieslowski treats all this very objectively in the middle part of his "Three Colors" trilogy. But all films of the trilogy, which is based on the colors of the French flag, approach their protagonists with such irony that we can't take them seriously anyway. Three Colors: Blue, an anti-tragedy, now an anti-comedy, finally Three Colors: Red, an anti-novelty. Kieslowski is Polish and works in France. Now he looks at post-communist Poland. Karol is a hairdresser and now hires in his brother's family salon. But in capitalist Poland someone like Karol can make money! Karol works out an extremely complicated plan, which should not only make him rich, but also bring his ex-wife (Julie Delpy) back to Poland. And Karol is lucky - although in Kieslowski films we can only ever speak of apparent luck. His films never move from A to B, but only through the lives of their characters. That is to say, the meta-level counts! For us this means that it is impossible to predict what will happen next. In any case, Karol becomes almost intuitively successful in the new Poland. He traps the woman he loves (and at the same time hates) in order to regain control over her relationship. The white in the French flag stands for equality. Does Kieslowski mean revenge in this case? Irony of fate.

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