Samstag, 21. November 2020

FREE ON CINEGEEK.DE THE BEST MOVIES IN OUR VIDEO STORE Alejandro Jodorowsky - Endles Poetry (engl. subt.) 

Endless Poetry, the second part of the autobiographical fantasy of the 88-year-old Chilean surrealist Alejandro Jodorowsky, has not become the work of an old man. On the contrary, Endless Poetry works like the passion of a young man with the egoism of one! Each character in it may be considered a reflection or abstraction of the anarchic memories of the main character. They all just adorn or enrich these memories! Everything leads back to Jodorowsky, this radical anti-capitalist, the anti-church, the anti-state, the anti-family man (although he does use his two sons). And so Endless Poetry seems like an old man's film again, because it allows us to look at ourselves - but through Jodorowsky's life. The young Alejandro (Jeremias Herskovits, and later Alejandro's son Adan Jodorowsky) must assert himself. He wants to become a poet, but his hard-hearted father has other plans. Tell Alejandro to go to medical school. That's why there's a break after a celebration. That's all that happens. Loosely linked, he meets a series of bizarre figures that inspire the future poet. Then, in a madly overdrawn artist flat-sharing community, he learns to make dolls. Meanwhile, props cower in the corners, like demons, stage helpers, which in turn are used in the film. All right? We may go on a journey in which even Jodorowsky himself appears as a kind of charlatan (or therapist) with raised finger like in Montana_Sacra. Endless Poetry works like a sequel to his last film, the great comeback The Dance Of Reality. Whereby: Endless Poetry is the more accessible film! That's because he's picking out a certain point in his life where it's about learning from his own mistakes. In some places, however, Endless Poetry returns to the style of The Dance Of Reality, almost like a Jodorowsky sitcom. Further in the text; for Alejandro has to emancipate himself from his father Jaime (Brontis Jodorowsky - son number two). Jodorowsky then was not one to passively submit to mysticism. He was an active seeker of everything that makes GRANDIOS life! He escapes his home, joins an artist collective. He knows for sure; he is like them! For Jodorowsky, the decision to become a poet was a rebellious act. He meets new friends and lovers, Enrique Lihn (Leandro Taub), and Stella (Pamela Flores), who inspire him. But in the end everything was created by men. From a man. Himself. Endless Poetry is a tribute to Jodorowsky himself.

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