It must be wonderful: To be able to appreciate the true genius without ever getting there yourself. You study all your life. And then the supposedly "simple" janitor gives you answers to the scientific questions. And what if the genius doesn't recognize himself? Because that's what Good Will Hunting is about, the story of a worker child from Boston. Matt Damon plays Will, who works as a janitor but records all the books in the library thanks to his photographic memory. The professor at the college Will is working on offers the students to find a solution to a difficult problem. The next morning, the answer is on the blackboard. Who knew the solution? None of the students. But days later Professor Will is caught and recognizes his mathematical genius. He wants to help him, but shortly afterwards Will and some buddies drive through the neighborhood. Will beats up a guy and gets locked up. Will thinks his life is like this: Working hard, spending a lot of time with his friends, drinking a lot. What's wrong with that? Will doesn't realize why mathematics should be work. Maybe because it's not an effort for him. Appearance Sean McGuire (Robin Williams). A professor who has screwed up his own life, but is a good advisor. And then there's Skylar (Minnie Driver), a Harvard student who falls in love with Will. Anyway, Will's childhood friend Chuckie (Ben Affleck) has been telling him for quite some time that it would be a shame if he would still be sitting here twenty years from now. As a janitor. Say: Will should take his chance and study. Now he gets the chance. And Will? He sees things a little differently. Mental wounds from before torture him and he doesn't want to betray the buddies from the neighbourhood. But it is McGuire who lets him repeat like a credo: "It's not my fault". Who has forgotten it: Good Will Hunting was written together by the (at that time still little known) youth friends Matt Damon and Ben Afflek. Both grew up in Boston and the movie has something to do with their lives. A story that is predictable, of course - but that's not the point here. The help Will gets isn't easy for him. He has to say goodbye to old defence mechanisms. Of protective functions. A step he would never have dared to take on his own...
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