Freitag, 22. Januar 2021

Film List: Road Movies New Hollywood (incl. FREE STREAMS) 

Basically, the New Hollywood Road Movies can be enjoyed as old-fashioned Westerns. In cinematic shorthand and without any boring details. If you watch the very old westerns, you quickly grasp an old Hollywood rule that you can easily spare yourself ten minutes of wordy introduction: The guys in the white cowboy hats are the good guys. In the road movies of the New Hollywood generation, the hippies are the good guys. The initial spark is called Easy Rider. Before that, biker films were an unpleasant B-movie fringe phenomenon with representatives like "Hell's Angels on Wheels" or "The Wild Angels". Easy Rider elevated this genre to an art form. With one huge difference: in the biker films, the outlaws were the bad guys. Easy Rider and the great road movies of its time, however, rejected the establishment.

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