Donnerstag, 25. März 2021


A romantic fantasy movie from Sweden with two difficult characters: Can we follow the attraction of Tina (Eva Melander) to the Byronic stranger Vore (Eero Milonoff)? Can we identify with them? Soon they realize that they are both of the same kind. Their pronounced eyebrows, their swollen cheeks, their fissured teeth. I find it easier to identify with some glupe-eyed monsters! It's hard to like Tina and Vore, as monstrous as they look. "Border" is Tina's story. We see the ugly everyday world through her eyes. Unsightly things like shame, guilt or anger she can even smell (or actually sniff). This has advantages: Tina can track down smugglers or child pornographers at the border. That's her job: border policeman. But where do these skills come from? Are they supernatural? It remains a mystery, because Tina doesn't know where she comes from. All she can think about is her own unattractive appearance. That only changes when she meets Vore. He confuses her incorruptible nose. We can understand Vore as Tina's counterpart. He doesn't care how he affects others. He knows that he is not a human being. And despite some disgusting escapades, he also does Tina good. At least more than Roland (Jörgen Thorsson), the dog trainer who moves into Tina's flat to scrounge. Tina and Vore are SUPER attractive to each other. An inhumanly increased attraction! Caution: This leads to disgusting kisses and disgusting sex in the forest! You don't have to reveal too much of it, but a warning might be appropriate. In any case, the two do not only look ugly, but also behave like that. Like wild animals. But what does "normal" mean? Tina and Vore live in a depressing world full of child pornographers. We know this desolation from other Scandinavian films. In a world full of monsters, the eccentricity of Tina and Vore is supposed to appear "normal". But I stick to it: they seem creepy to me. I wish I could just like them! But it's not easy for me.

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