Sonntag, 30. Mai 2021

FREE ON CINEGEEK.DE Systemsprenger 

May I brag a little? Good. Nora Fingscheidt was the first customer in our video store. She registered with us when we hadn't even opened yet and borrowed the first DVD. Later she introduced us to her friend Andreia and she worked for us. Now Nora has presented her debut film at the Berlinale, won a Silver Bear and is allowed into the Oscar race. A social drama for the Oscar? The focus is on an angry girl. Nine years old. Or let's call her - Bennie (Helena Zengel) - a rebellious girl. 36 years old is Nora now and tours with Systemsprenger around the world. And everyone is overwhelmed! Benni is violent, cannot stay with her mother. From one accommodation to the next. But actually she is looking for love. And the title? Allegedly Nora heard the strange word from a social worker. Whenever the youth homes take in 14-year-olds who they can't control. That's probably the age of entry for such system sprinklers. Children no one wants. Who are also too much for the social system. What's more, I think the point is that we expect such tortured people to mourn in silence. In this form they should be integrated into the social system. Silence, sad people. But what if a person like Bennie reacts angrily, even explodes? What if we can't just integrate him? Nora creates an oppressive film out of this. One with suction power! One of these rare films, which plays in the clearly defined world of the German social system, but is nevertheless universally understandable. Because it's about the human being Bennie! Exactly such films are understood all over the world (even by those who know nothing about our social system). Such films can very well win an Oscar! It would be only the third German film ever to be decorated with an Oscar... For me this would be very satisfying in every respect! I grant it to the filmmaker from the bottom of my heart and also to the training place where she perfected her craft far away from state money and authority structures: Der FilmArche e.V. Lahnstr. 25, Neukölln, 030 61626911. This self-organized school in which you learn to make films by organizing everything yourself: the technology, the trainers, the training rooms. So I am not only allowed to show a little, but also to do some advertising.

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