Dienstag, 27. Juli 2021

FREE ON CINEGEEK.DE Calire Denis - Nenette And Boni (engl. subt.) 

Feel invited to the time of the Nouvelle Vague when "Jules et Jim" were friends! They were characters, hard on the outside, emotional but weak. One of them is Boni (Grégoire Colin), who shoots the neighbor's cat with a pellet gun, but burns with unfulfilled longings. Nenette (Alice Houri), his sister, is a bit milder. Claire Denis now tells us her story, full of details. Some may seem unimportant, but that's life. Through Denis' insinuations we certainly don't know as much about Nenette and bonuses as a conventional movie would tell us. But we feel much more deeply connected to both of them! Apparently Nenette and Boni survived an ugly divorce. Nenette stayed with her father, Boni with her mother at first. But at some point Boni must have moved out. Then Nenette visits him, seven months pregnant. It is too late for an abortion and so Nenette accepts her motherhood full of fury. Boni is very different: He is thrilled by it! If you like, the two of them form a couple. Not an incestuous one, of course, but one that remains chained to each other out of common need. Boni gives Nenette hope. And Nenette's pregnancy finally gives Boni's life a meaning! If there is a love affair, it is reflected in the relationship between the baker's wife (Valeria Bruni-Tedeschi) and the baker (Vincent Gallo). Claire Denis has turned all this into a sensual film that never reveals too many details. Most of all, I worry about Nenette. There are allusions to the child's father that don't inspire much courage. What will her future look like? The film seems to know that, but doesn't want to tell us. Not only we, but Claire Denis too is attracted to Nenette and bonuses. And she certainly knows her characters much better than we suspect! This is the only way she can tell their story so indirectly. Not as a chronicle of events. More like a friendly conversation. And then what happens is what so often happens in Claire Denis' films: ...is that you get deep into the plot. Nenette and Boni become your friends.

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