Freitag, 16. September 2022

FREE ON OUR CINEGEEK.DE Jean Luc Godard - Ten Minutes Older 

Godard himself has always catalogued everything cinematically and therefore his own career can also be catalogued excellently. He was 30 years old when he launched his career in 1960 with 15 films that broke the rules (+ six short films). This began with Breathless and ended with the hellish Weekend. During the 70s, political collective films followed. In the 80s he made his comeback in the cinema. First Name: Carmen was the most successful in Berlin. Godard's greatest work is probably the series Histoire(s) Du Cinema (1989-1999). Godard, the philosopher of cinema! He always worked fast. And always somewhere between deadly serious and funny. Above all, his films of the Nouvelle Vague still radiate the greatest seductive power and that very specific glamour that makes Godard the most popular director in our video library. In other words, there's no one else you'll rent more often! But you leave his later works alone. They lack the visual pop of the 60s. You can imagine Godard as a prisoner. Trapped in a sea of references and quotations. He loved to quote from films! Later he tried his hand at being a politician of cinema, but it failed. Maybe his head was too stuffed with intellectual bells and whistles. Vivre Sa Vie is about a woman who would like to be in Dreyer's Joan of Arc but cannot. Irony of fate, because Godard's actress Anna Karina is in a film herself! And in a top-class Godard film at that - but she doesn't seem to realise that. But Godard knows. Godard and Karina were colleagues in the 60s and also lovers. Their films together are always about loving her (and how it fails). Perhaps this is due to a lack of feeling that also characterises both films? There may be a romantic in Godard, but this romanticism seems to be foreign to him even in his old age. His films are always about films. Many of them are carried by lush music - but isn't that merely an artistic element of the film? As he says, it was above all a matter of classifying and ordering. He calls Made In USA a Disney film with a Bogart. Excuse me? That's why it's also a political film, according to Godard. I would sum it up like this: Godard's Nouvelle Vague films live above all from their images and their music. And some of our customers think that all Nouvelle Vague films are always about love. Then, during his political period, Godard turned away from man. Instead, he tried to stand up for humanity. His following films of the 80s seem distant (and visually beautiful). But the biggest question during this period is: how did he manage to get money for such eccentric works? And at this point he still had decades of creative work ahead of him! His late films are ugly and unhappy. They make hair-raising political claims; the beauty of the images of his depressive 80s films has disappeared. At some point he had outlived all his colleagues of the Nouvelle Vague and stood all alone. As always, one might add. He remained a lifelong provocateur and always obnoxious. His films from the 60s seem forever youthful and will be borrowed from you forever. And there's plenty of time for the rest. We have time. And we offer all Godard films in our video library, even the strangest ones.

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