Montag, 8. Oktober 2018

FREE ON YOUTUBE Rana's Wedding

FREE ON YOUTUBE (YOU FIND THE ALL FILM WITH ENGLISH SUBTITLES FREE ON YOUTUBE) Rana's father will be at the airport at four. She can either marry or leave the country with him. The father gives Rana a list of candidates; men who have asked for her hand. But she only loves Khali. Can she find him? And she manages to make all the preparations for a wedding: Invite the relatives, choose a dress, do their hair? Everything before 16.00? Are we in a romantic comedy, brand Hollywood? By no means! Yes, we are in the middle of a romantic comedy, because romanticism survives in the conflict between Palestinians and Israelis. No, it's a film from Palestine and yet a little different. Rana's Wedding is set on both sides of the armed border between Jerusalem and Ramallah. A comedy against the background of checkpoints, soldiers, street burials and the normal state of siege. Rana (Clara Khoury) is a 17-year-old Palestinian, her lover Khalil (Khalifa Natour) a theatre director around the age of 40. Ranas father has doubts about the marriage, but the couple invokes the Islamic law that they may marry if they inform the father in the presence of a registrar. So Ranas has to find Khalil and a registrar and then the father. All at the same time. That means driving back and forth, past roadblocks and barbed wire. By the way we notice how the Palestinians are watched suspiciously every day. Interestingly, Rana's Wedding is not a film that emphasizes politics. Politics is everyday life in Palestine, with comedy in the foreground. Just as complicated as her country is Rana herself: Sometimes she seems to be older, then again like a child. To fix her hair, she risks missing the deadline. And the premise? Does her father really want to leave the country at 16.00 or just set a deadline? Does all this happen at the last moment or would preparations have been possible? We will not know how the father thinks. Who he is just as little. Surprisingly also Khali's reaction. What would you do if a woman took you from the theater stage to marry immediately? We have to accept this somewhat constructed action because it is an instrument to create tension. Even more tension is created because Rana is sometimes in no hurry. The strength of Rana's Weddings lies in the observation of details. Little boys throwing stones at the barricades, soldiers shooting back. Is this what life in Palestine looks like? Unbelievable! Oh yes, and when Rana forgets her suitcase once, the police have blown it up. After all, there could be a bomb in it. However, Rana's Wedding does not preach, but observes. A beautiful RomCom, but above all a fascinating contemporary document! We get a much clearer picture of the Palestinian settlements off Jerusalem than the news could ever offer us. Palestine is in a permanent state of emergency and yet people have the same goals and desires as we do. The political situation, however, deprives them of air to breathe. They may not even notice that this country is like a vacuum. But who can survive like that in the long run?

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