I know, our "Corona Home Cinema" actually follows the rule to show "Feel Good Movies". But La Haine is such a big and important movie that it fits for me as well. Okay?

FREE ON YOUTUBE Today - on 28.3.2020 - I found La Haine with English subtitles free on YouTube. I link it now. Again and again the respective links on YouTube are deleted. Just enter the movie title in the search bar on YouTube and you will find the current link to stream La Haine for free. Remember: A movie that is free once on YouTube will appear again and again. And here is the content: Maybe most of our European problems stem from how monolithic the individual states still are? No European country is a melting pot. In France, the feeling of being "French" is even cult! Mathieu Kassovitz's third feature film was made in the banlieus of Paris, where ethnically speaking only a minority is "French". It tells the story of three friends; an Arab, a Jew and an African. They spend their days aimlessly - but then they get into social turmoil and a major police operation. La Haine prepares a gloomy vision in the knowledge of the radical right-wing leaders a la Le Pen and the French neo-Nazi movement. All this resonates in La Haine as an unspoken subtext. We now meet Vinz (Vincent Cassel), a Jew from the working class, Hubert (Hubert Kounde), a boxer from Africa and Said (Said Taghmaoui) from North Africa, who is a little more light-hearted than his friends. The fact that they hang out together at all seems to prove that in France friendships depend more on income than on "race". The world they live in doesn't seem very French. They call themselves "homeboy" and are surrounded by American style features. They probably like the US culture because it is not French and they don't feel "French". For the last 24 hours they wandered around their suburb, now they want to go over to Paris. Then they are picked up by the police on a roof that almost resembles a meeting place for the "homies". The whole area turns into a civil war zone after a policeman shoots at an Arab - until Vinz's little sister's school burns down. His grandmother warns him not to "become like that too". What does that mean? That there's nothing for her to do. No jobs, no income, no hope of financial independence. All that remains is hanging around. Basically, they're not "bad" and they're not criminals, but they're treated that way. According to their appearance, their ethnicity, they have been classified as troublemakers. And the police treat them the same way they treat troublemakers. Whether they like it or not. La Haine represents a development of Kassovitz' work in comparison to his first films - and the climax of his work. Never again should he make such a powerful film! Unlike most French feature films, La Haine is not set in doll's house cities, but in an area that is sterile and has no show value for us at all. The room is empty, an architectural desert. La Haine is also not a film in which the beginning or the end is of particular interest. This is about the case. Maybe La Haine is a kind of Generation X film, but with the distinct difference that the original US American heroes of such films have a choice: They choose a certain style so as not to belong to society. In France, however, society decides. In Germany too.