Donnerstag, 5. März 2020

History Of Surreal Cinema + Roy Andersons About Endlessness

The Swedish surrealist Roy Anderson is not a pessimist per se, nor is his latest work About Endlessness a cynical film. About Endlessness offers us a series of comically gloomy sequences of images - with an uncertain outcome. Anderson proves once again to be a perfect craftsman and therefore he makes us laugh. Through his style! Often his world is not real at all. We think we see streets and buildings, but in reality they are all constructed models. Anderson's world is magically artificial! Sometimes I have the impression that nothing is alive in Anderson's world. Are these people or zombies walking through his "streets"? They are powerless figures, always on the verge of nervous breakdown. But they never go down! In truth, Anderson's characters are quite resilient - and therefore all the more human.

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