Dienstag, 31. März 2020

FREE ON YOUTUBE Novemberkind

Today we have Anna Maria Mühe in our "Corona Home Cinema". Because she is so great! And because I always enjoy discovering German films for our video library.

FREE ON YOUTUBE If we are honest, then Germany is still struggling with the German-German past and its consequences. Of course there are still two Germany's. Of course equality looks different. So does respect. This is what Novemberkind is about. A film that lives neither from nostalgia nor feelings of hate. Robert (Ulrich Matthes) is professor for creative writing. For a long time he has been carrying around a strange story that frightens him. It is the story of Anna and her daughter Inga (both Anna Maria Mühe). In the early 80s Anna left her village in the GDR with a Russian deserter. Her child left her with her grandparents. She hoped to bring it back later. But all her plans failed. She ends up in a mental hospital, where she takes her own life. Inga doesn't know all this. She thinks her mother died during a holiday on Hiddensee. Then Robert enters her life and takes her on a journey into the past. Novemberkind lives on one look. Anna Maria Mühe plays a double role and so the past always blurs with the present. The GDR of the 80s with Germany today. The film approaches the big picture through details. The individual stories make up the tragedy of the whole system. Novemberkinder, these are the children of the Wende.

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