FREE ON CINEGEEK.DE Me And You And Everyone We Know

Miranda Julys Me And You And Everyone We Know creates a rare fragile magic. It's about falling in love with someone who speaks and understands your very language of love. Unfortunately, there is hardly anyone like that, the film suggests... Or is it? Maybe me and you and everyone we know? That seems crazy as a description of the film. Imagine two characters as an explanation: Christine (Miranda July) and Richard (John Hawkes) walking down a street in their neighbourhood. She suggests that this road is like her life. Half of the road they have already gone and thus half of their life - and soon they are at the end... Almost impossible to describe the poetry of this scene. I don't think any other film scene I've ever seen was like that! Richard and Christine are the protagonists of the film. Through Richard's son Robby we also meet other characters. We see eleven-year-old Robby visiting an online dating site, a sex chat, although he can't know anything about sex. But about computers and sounding like someone else. He asks open questions and uses the phrases of adults. To what turns him on, he answers with "poop", because Robby thinks it has something to do with sex. Robby's fourteen-year-old brother Peter is pursued by two classmates who show an interest in oral sex (although they cannot yet distinguish theory from practice). All these scenes seem so innocent and full of tact - just as the embarrassing curiosity for sex is at that age. Tracy Wright plays an interesting character as curator of art who is afraid she might break the rules she may not know. She projects her longings into a world without understanding - another scene that made me laugh with admiration! Mirandy July is a performance artist and Me And You And Everyone We Know her debut. The art of performance expresses our little peculiarities that make our lives wonderful and worth living. That's exactly how the movie works. Julys film crosses borders, risks a lot, but lives on her fresh charm and disarming directness. Me And You And Everyone We Know accepts everything human, observes our species in life. (transl.
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