FREE ON CINEGEEK.DE Jean Eustache - La Mamam Et La Putain (engl. subt.)
Today is the right day to approach the greatest (and rarest!) unknown classic of the Nouvelle Vague. Imagine sitting in a Parisian café, reading Proust and not really knowing what to do with yourself. Small alternative to: I sit at home and outside it's Corona time...
If you want to rent the DVD of La Maman Et La Putain from us, you will be disappointed. It only runs with French original sound. There have been geeks like Sulgi who simply used the dictionary to understand Eustache's classics. What a job! An epic dialogue film! The problem: Still no adequate DVD version exists. Even worse: You don't get the masterpiece as a silver disc at all. But: Today (26.4.2020) during my daily YouTube check I found out that we can enjoy La Maman Et La Putain in good picture quality with English subtitles at the moment! Let's go! Here comes THE unknown classic of the Nouvelle Vague! Eustache's by far most famous film came to the cinemas in 1973 and a whole generation embraced this permanently lamenting lazybones who prefer to have endless conversations in Parisian cafes. Jean-Pierre Leaud mimes Eustaches idol Alexandre. He lives with one woman and tells another that he loves her. Then there is the one who rejected him and various other women. Marie, played by Bernadette Lafont, lives with Alexandre and also supports him as he is usually "between jobs". Veronika (Francoise Lebrun) is Alexandre's blind date in a cafe, to whom he presents his not really high-flying thoughts (while his looks follow other women in the immediate vicinity). Alexandre is not stupid, but not intellectual either. He makes no significant progress in his self-discovery. He likes to babble about movies and life (although he often gets confused). He wears a dark coat and a scarf that reaches down to his knees. His friend wears the same. Alexandre spends his days in cafés holding Proust in front of him, but not reading in it. Just like the guys in the state library who "forget" the classics in their reading place when pretty girls are around. I think that even though Alexandre seems to be at the center of La Maman Et La Putain, Eustache's film is more interested in his female characters. Couldn't it be that the women just circle around him because they are curious about what strange things he will tell next? What kind of idiocy do you think he's about to unload? Leauds best role was that of the young Antoine-Doinel, since then he varies this as a childish side in the actually already grown up man. While Alexandre struts like a puppet through the Parisian cafes, the real drama takes place in the figure of Veronica. Veronika should know that Alexandre only talks to her about love while Marie is absent. When Veronika talks about herself, we recognize the deep and unadulterated knowledge of herself. The portrait of a childish man exerted enormous influence from his time - but it is time to see Eustache's film in a different light for once
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