The good old days. Today I realized that the good old days are not so long ago. hasn't it? Nonsense! Hang in there a little longer and then the new era will be just like the good old days. This is basically what the Norwegian comedy Kitchen Stories is about.
No dialogue can hide the fact that Kitchen Stories is a silent movie. Simply a picture. And maybe a comedy? If it's a comedy, looking back at a past decade makes us laugh: In the 50's, the Swedish government tried to study the movements of housewives at work. The results of this research were intended to optimise the technology of fitted kitchens. Bent Hamer from Norway transferred this idea to his country. The Swedish field researchers are penetrating into the remote village of Landstad, where a few bachelors manage their farms. So Folke, the researcher, places himself in the kitchen with Isak and waits. He tries to appear as invisible as possible. He waits, but nothing happens. That's the idea of Kitchen Stories: two men in a room, invisible to each other. Bent Hamer spends a little bit of action to make it a feature film. He also succeeds in finding an end - and yet: Basically, Kitchen Stories is a freeze-frame that we can keep spinning.
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